Case of the “Mondays”


Why are Monday’s so hard? Is it the loss of the fun, relaxing weekend? Or the dread of another five days of work, homeschool, cleaning… well you get where I’m going with this.

This morning, the Lord gave me a good lesson… be thankful for the days {including Mondays} that the He gives me with my kids…

I had only been awake for like twenty minutes, and already dealt with some attitude issues from the oldest native {Luke}.  I mumbled under my breath, “this is going to be a long day.”
I found myself dreading my day, and my day had just begun.
As I was making lunch for Daniel, I had the news on… and story after story seemed to involve some child that had gotten injured… a 14 year old boy critically injured in a car accident, a 2 year old falling out of a second story window, etc.
My melancholy mood lifted, and instead of dreading the day to come, I became thankful that God gave me another day with them.
Then, during breakfast prayer, Ethan prayed one of the sweetest prayers. His little five year old heart, made me realize how wrong I was for dreading the day, and while he was praying I prayed to God that He would help me have a more thankful heart for my kids.
So many parent’s don’t have any “Mondays” left with their kids, and I feel guilty for not being more thankful for mine.

I’m sure I’ll still have many more “Mondays” throughout my life, but I pray that I will be able to handle them with a more grateful heart.


2 thoughts on “Case of the “Mondays”

  1. Such a good reminder to be so very thankful for our loved ones and all of the “Mondays” we have with them. But also know that we aren’t perfect, and they can get on our nerves 🙂


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